About Us


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

Centralized System
Our erp is a centralized system that can be synchronized with any warehousing system parallel with any shopping cart (i.e.: magneto, shopify, woocommerce)
From young entrepreneurs and startups to high end eCommerce enterprises and brands.
Parallel with any shopping cart (i.e.: magneto, shopify, woocommerce)
One screen solution
This erp (eCommerce resource planning) system allows us to offer one screen solution for all your eCommerce needs and manage all sorts of business

Manage all sorts of business

We are a team of individuals that have been associated with the e-commerce industry for more than a decade working this long in all domain and aspects of electronic commerce we felt a need for.

A system that can handle

A system that can handle, monitor and execute all the roles related to either operations, support or updating web inventories.

We help every business
Worldwide premium services